First Aid Workshop and CPR for children

On the 10th of June was carried out the first workshop of the First Aid Workshop and CPR for children, aimed at parents members of the Hospital Scheme. It was contextualized within the activities program that the Hospital has planned in response to the main concerns and needs that parents shared with us. The British Hospital considers health education as an essential tool for preventing damage. According to this, the 2015 activities program has been designed as a mean of facilitating knowledge providing quality information in order to empower participants with tools and techniques that work in benefit of the family and individual welfare.   The workshop dynamic enables to locate the participant in different scenes helping him to identify risks factors besides learning techniques which allow the participant to handle complicated situations until the arrival of professional assistance. Several emergencies are addressed such us convulsions, cuts, bleeding, burns, asphyxia, choke on, and it emphasizes in learning basic techniques of CPR and defibrillator use. During the exchange the participants identify myths and facts besides strengthen their confidence and security. An appropriate education may prevent further complications and protect life. The workshop First Aid and CPR is coordinated by Dr. Juan Morelli and led by Dr. Natalia Erva and the Graduate Nurse Gaspar Revoredo from the Suat team. Next dates: 22nd of July and 12th of August + INFO and enrollments in the Appointment Department, extension number 2740. We invite you to visit our photo gallery.

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